Military operations require flexible camouflage that can be used on many different objects while delivering unrelenting protection against advanced sensors.
多光谱, 轻便灵活的伪装网, ULCAS在部署时提供了较低的检测概率.
ULCAS是当今市场上最具创新性的伪装技术. 在整个使用寿命期间具有多光谱特性, enhancing survivability by challenging sensors in all relevant parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
ULCAS具有3D表面结构,由两层纺织品组成. 装饰层被绗缝在背面,以使网具有不挂网的特性. 这提供了较长的预期寿命,并便于快速部署和重新部署. 尺寸和形状可根据客户要求定做.
ULCAS weighs no more than 250 g/m² and operates between -20°C and 80°C, both for storage and use. 伪装网具有很高的耐化学性和耐暴露于石油, 油和润滑油.
可提供伸缩支撑杆. 这些可扩展的玻璃纤维杆可以定制. 此外,铝或钢接地桩是可用的.可选的ULCAS覆盖袋用于运输和储存, 包含所有需要的零件和附件.
签名管理是我们产品的核心. 我们的技术将物体和背景之间的对比度降到最低, 使感官检测更加困难. 签名管理减少了暴露和距离识别, 什么会迫使敌人靠近你才能与你交战.
Saab's camouflage solutions offers true multispectral capabilities against a wide range of sensor. 以下是该产品的特性:
人的眼睛天生善于感知周围的环境. 无光泽结构, pattern and colours of our products enable vehicles and objects to blend in with their surroundings and avoid visual detection.
自然环境的反映因各种因素而异, 包括气候及其与太阳辐射的相互作用. 夜视设备需要能够在夜间检测反射. Our products feature patterns that are adjusted perfectly to match NIR 反射s of the environment.
Short-wave infrared sensors are extremely light sensitive and provide high-resolution images in very low light conditions. 这些传感器可以很容易地从激光指示器中发现激光束. Our camouflage manages SWIR wavelengths by following the spectral 反射s of the environment.
所有物体,从军用车辆到你的身体,都会辐射热能. This radiation can be detected by thermal cameras operating in the mid-wave infrared or long wave-infrared spectrum. Our products are able to adapt to the background radiation of a natural environment due to materials and designs that interact with the surroundings through convection, 反射, 辐射与绝缘.
雷达(无线电探测和测距)系统使用无线电波来确定距离, 方向, 物体的速度. This is achieved by emitting radiation and retrieving 信息rmation from the reflected radiation. Our products provide protection against synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems that generate high-resolution images as well as fire control radars and target seeking missiles.
Modern signature management is one of the very few disruptive technologies that can break an enemy’s awareness. 梭鱼学院给学生一个理论和实践的理解.
通过我们世界一流的专家主导的课程, 您可以增加对现代签名管理的认识,以便:
- 通过隐蔽获得战术优势
- 识别战场威胁
- 提高你的部队的生存能力
This course gives users the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the art of signature management. Effective camouflage will improve your force’s survivability and make sure you always have the tactical advantage in the field.
该课程包括室内学习和室外实践示范, 包括仔细检查威胁传感器, 诱饵, 各种现场试验和生产信息, 质量控制和设计流程.
这门特殊课程是为那些需要领先于学生的教师开设的, 并可根据用户要求定制,在其所在国举办.
它为教师提供了培训潜在签名管理操作员的工具. 课程也保证了这个过程, protocol and our decades of experience can be applied to maximise the survivability of field operators.
This course can be customised according to user requirements, and can be held in their own nation.
我们是签名管理中唯一完整的系统屋. 我们设计和制造一个全面的迷彩范围, 为士兵提供隐蔽和欺骗解决方案, 平台和单元.
你的所有力量, 一个在传感器密集的环境中执行任务的士兵, 一个完全多光谱伪装的作战基地, 每个资产都需要最小化被检测到的概率的能力. 在亚洲体育博彩平台, we have a long history of creating solutions for any mission scenario – no matter how challenging.
拥有半个多世纪的签名管理经验, 亚洲体育博彩平台的高能力和专业知识应用于我们生产的每一个解决方案.